Treats are so much more precious when you put them into a cute box. It's almost like food that is nicely plated. It will usually taste better when it's served nicely rather than just thrown on a plate. Your effort will not go unnoticed when you place chocolate into this box because at that point it becomes a gift, rather than just a piece of chocolate.... Let me just tell you how I made it.
This is what you will need for this project:
6 by 6 paper
White strip of paper
Coordinating ink
This is another view...
and this is looking down from the top...
1. Take 6 by 6 piece of paper and score and punch at 1.5 inch.
2. Turn it 90 degrees and score and punch at 3 inch.
3. Repeat step 1 and 2 on the remaining two sides.
4. You will notice that some of the score lines are not punched on both ends. Go to the end that is not punched and line up the score line with the punch on the score board and punch it. Make sure that this is the outcome that you get .
5. To assemble the treat box cut slits in the 4 corners (see dark lines on the picture below) and fold all the score lines. Slip a little treat in it, glue it, decorate it and give it away!
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